I want to join Business Friends International Networking Session I want to join Business Friends International Networking Session The first opportunity this year for business networking on an international level is here. The meeting format is set by Business Friends ČR - a professional business networking franchise and includes: Participants pitches Presentation of a successful corona business story Learning point Option to contact all participants and arrange one:one meetings. The whole meeting lasts about 2 hours. Participants will be shortlisted to ensure maximum regional and industry diversity. First Name * Last Name * Company E-mail * Phone Industry * Website Country * LinkedIn profile * How did you find out about the event? * On Business Friends member invitation From a friend LinkedIn Facebook Instagram From www.businessfriends.cz Searching on internet OtherOther Is there anything else you would like to share with us? Zásady ochrany zpracování osobních údajů * Souhlasím s tím, aby tento web uchovával mnou vložené údaje, aby mohl reagovat na mé požadavky. Zásady ochrany zpracování osobních údajů jsou uvedeny na https://businessfriends.cz/zasady-zpracovani-osobnich-udaju/. Send me information on future events * YES NO Send